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规模化猪舍废气复合净化系统设计与试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为解决规模化猪舍废气排放造成的环境污染问题,设计了一种猪舍废气复合净化系统。该系统采用化学法与水洗法相结合,通过PLC(可编程逻辑控制器)控制系统实时采集净化系统内的pH值、电导率、液位和压差等动态环境数据,智能控制洗涤泵启停和电磁阀通断,自动完成供水、加酸、喷淋和排废4个工作环节。同时,控制系统采用MCGS触摸屏与PLC建立通讯,通过创建人机交互界面实现系统环境数据监测、运行状态流动显示、按需配置系统参数和报警信息输出等多种功能,实现了系统操作的人性化和过程的可视化。系统可根据实际应用中对净化效率和运行成本的要求,实现多种控制模式,均有效抑制了猪舍废气排放。试验结果表明,系统对主要污染成分氨气的平均去除率可达到85%,整体运行可靠、控制简单,经济成本量化清晰。该系统在江西某种猪场实施应用,成效显著,可为畜禽养殖环境废气净化处理的工程应用提供参考。  相似文献   
以并联式双能量源(锂电池组&超级电容)纯电动汽车为研究对象,提出一种改进的功率分配策略。这种功率分配策略在模糊控制的基础上增加深度神经网络训练过程,以获得更精确的功率分配因子。通过整车模型构建、功率分配模型构建、功率分配策略制定、仿真验证结果分析后得出结论:与电量消耗功率分配策略相比,这种改进的功率分配策略能优化锂电池组和超级电容二者之间的功率分流,限制锂电池组充放电的峰值电流,延长复合储能系统的工作寿命,提升动力系统的工作效率。  相似文献   
本文针对平凉地区近年来常见玉米病虫害及防控方法进行分析,旨在解决病虫害对玉米生产的影响,从而提高玉米产量和品质。  相似文献   
我国草地贪夜蛾的防控对策与建议   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda(J. E. Smith)是世界性重大农业害虫,该虫自2019年1月入侵我国云南省到5月下旬,在不到5个月的时间里就已经入侵了长江流域及其以南的15个省(市、自治区)。预计6月和7月将到达我国的玉米主产区黄淮海夏玉米区和北方春玉米区,受威胁玉米面积1 300多万hm~2,将严重威胁我国的玉米生产安全。我国玉米的种植布局随季节和纬度变化从南至北递次推移,时间和空间上互补,为草地贪夜蛾提供了丰富的食物资源,为其种群区域性迁移和周年繁殖为害提供了良好的自然条件。为做好草地贪夜蛾的防控工作,及时控制其为害,本文在总结国内外防控草地贪夜蛾经验教训的基础上,初步提出了我国草地贪夜蛾的防控对策。  相似文献   
葡萄白粉病( Uncinula necator )是造成云南葡萄减产品质降低的主要病害之一,特别是在金沙江干热河谷早熟葡萄产区,白粉病的流行会使葡萄减产30%,严重减产50%。通过田间试验对几种药剂对葡萄白粉病防效进行比较,从而选出防效较好的药剂。第1次药后7d,新高脂膜粉剂防治效果最高,达42.92%。第2、3、4次药后,15%三唑酮防治效果最高,分别达到51.50%、57.86%、51.81%,其余生物药剂防治效果都未达到50%,存在显著性差异。  相似文献   
贵州省黔东南地区草地贪夜蛾寄生性天敌资源调查初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda(J. E. Smith)于2019年5月入侵贵州黔东南地区,严重威胁当地农业生态。黔东南地区丰富的生物资源是挖掘草地贪夜蛾自然天敌的重要基础。为明确黔东南地区草地贪夜蛾天敌的发生情况,2019年5月至7月,采用五点取样法对选取的3个地点开展调查。结果表明,草地贪夜蛾在黔东南地区的主要寄生性天敌有5类,分别为白僵菌属、绿僵菌属、茧蜂科、姬蜂科和黑卵蜂属昆虫,寄生率最高分别为45.50%、57.00%、3.00%、20.00%和12.50%,寄生草地贪夜蛾幼虫期4种天敌综合控制力最高达96.50%。本研究可为草地贪夜蛾天敌资源挖掘与利用提供重要参考。  相似文献   
Increasing abundance of Juncus effusus (soft rush) and Juncus conglomeratus (compact rush) in pastures and meadows in western Norway has caused reductions in forage yield and quality in recent decades. Understanding plant development and regrowth following cutting is essential in devising cost‐effective means to control rushes. In a field experiment in western Norway, we investigated development of above‐ and below‐ground fractions of rush from seedlings to three‐year‐old plants, including the impact on vigour of disturbing growth by different cutting frequencies during the period 2009–2012. Each year, the plants were exposed to one or two annual cuts or left untreated and five destructive samplings were performed from March to early December. Juncus effusus showed significantly more vigorous growth than Juncus conglomeratus in the last two years of the study period. The above‐ground:below‐ground biomass ratio of both species increased mainly in spring and early summer and was reduced in late summer and autumn. Removal of aerial shoots also reduced the below‐ground fraction of both species. One annual cut in July effectively reduced biomass production in both species by 30–82%, which was only a slightly smaller reduction than with two annual cuts, in June and August. Mechanical control measures such as cutting can thus effectively reduce rush vigour when performed late in the growing season.  相似文献   
农药自动混药装置的研究现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,我国农作物病虫害防治主要依靠施用农药,现有的大多数农药剂型需要加水稀释,配制成一定浓度后再施用。近年,我国农业航空迅速发展,对农业航空的智能化农业机械装备的需求变得非常迫切。系统总结了农药自动混药装置类型以及农药自动混药装置特点,通过对农药自动混药装置研究发展概况分析,阐明了国内农药自动混药装置所存在的问题,展望未来农药混药装置的发展趋势,为后续的研究方向奠定基础。  相似文献   
Ray blight caused by Stagonosporopsis tanaceti is one of the most important diseases of pyrethrum (Tanacetum cinerariifolium), a perennial herbaceous plant cultivated for the extraction of insecticidal pyrethrins in Australia. The disease is responsible for complete yield loss in severe outbreaks. Infected seed is considered as the principal source of S. tanaceti. Infection hyphae remain only in the seed coat and not in the embryo, resulting in pre- and post-emergence death of seedlings and latent infection. Therefore, quantification of the level of infection by S. tanaceti within seed using a qPCR assay is important for efficient management of the disease. Stagonosporopsis tanaceti completes its life cycle within 12 days after leaf infection through production of pycnidia and can infect every tissue of the pyrethrum plant except the vascular and root tissues. Ray blight epidemics occur in pyrethrum fields through splash dispersal of pycnidiospores between adjacent plants. Besides steam sterilization, thiabendazole/thiram and fludioxonil are effective seed-treating chemicals in controlling S. tanaceti before planting begins. Ray blight is currently managed in the field through the foliar application of strobilurin fungicides in the first 1–2 years of crop establishment. Later on, difenoconazole and multisite specific fungicides in the next 2–3 years during early spring successfully reduce ray blight infestation. Avoiding development of resistance to fungicides will require more sustainable management of ray blight including the development and deployment of resistant cultivars.  相似文献   
FAHP-GIS在FAST台址单体滑坡危险性评价中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
[目的]研究贵州省平塘县500 m口径球面射电望远镜(FAST)工程台址光明顶滑坡的危险性及其区划,为该区及相似地区的滑坡灾害监测与防治提供参考依据。[方法]选取地形地貌、岩性岩组、地质构造、人类工程活动及灾害历史等作为一级评价指标,在此基础上发展二级评价指标,运用GIS技术构建基于模糊层次法(FAHP)的滑坡危险性评价指标体系,并完全参与对指标隶属度矩阵的运算,开展针对喀斯特单体滑坡危险性评价研究。[结果]光明顶坡体总体居于中危险和低危险水平,局部高危险,高危险区域主要位于1 H馈源塔和断层破碎带区域的3个支撑柱附近,高危险区约占研究区面积的4%。[结论]光明顶坡体存在安全隐患,已经对精密的射电望远镜设施的安全运行构成威胁。本文评价结果与实际情况基本相符,评价方法在单体滑坡危险性评价研究方面具有创新性,且可操作。  相似文献   
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